Some Thoughts on “Vacation”

—Brian— Definition #1 Vacation (noun) - an extended period of recreation, especially one spent away from home or in traveling For me, vacation has always been just as much stressful as it has been relaxing. How do I best fit the stuff in the car to maximize the room? Where do I stop to get... Continue Reading →

“And That’s Okay.”

—Anna-Marie— One morning, after dropping Tobin off at school, another mom and I pulled our cars together so we could talk and catch up. I remember the conversation so clearly. At the time, Tobin had been attending his school for almost a year, and this particular morning, this sweet mom and I were talking through our... Continue Reading →

Our New Harmony

—Anna-Marie— We’re on a little extended weekend getaway in New Harmony, Indiana. It’s a tiny town in southwest Indiana that made two attempts at Utopia. One of those lasted ten years (1814-1825) and became a very thriving, prosperous town. In fact, they received “unheard of economic success” and the town was known as the “wonder... Continue Reading →

Kicking the Bucket

—Brian— Some people develop a “bucket list," a list of things they want to accomplish before they “kick the bucket.” I’ve never made a bucket list. However, some years back, I started to develop what I called the “Anti-Bucket List.” My Anti-Bucket List was a growing list of things that I said I would never... Continue Reading →

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